Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Who Am I...?

Hello and welcome to my blog. Im a guy who is married to the most wonderful woman in the world. Someone who loves me, and accepts me even when im just plain impossible to deal with. She is the person responsible for who I am today... better, more loving and growing in patience each day. I love you Sheila!

Im a father to an incredible daughter who every day reminds me why the sacrifices we make for our children... aren't really that hard to handle. She is smart, witty and has the best sence of humor. I think she gets it from me.

I am truly blessed to have her in my life. If you think you dont know the meaning of life?... Look into the eyes of your child and tell me you dont see it right there in front of you. I love you Madison. Thank you for being who you are. I so look forward to continuing to watch you grow into the amazing person that you already are.

I am a Photographer. I wasnt always as I used to be a musician, my wife I can thank for this. It was because of her dream which became reality that gave life to the passion I have now. Where there was once music in my life, imagery now flourishes.

Of all the things in the world that there is to shoot, I love people most. There is such color and hues in people. Characters that cry to be let loose from the confines of the every day facade's that we put on. Personalities that exist if even only for a fraction of a second. I try to capture that essence and commit it to frame.

Who am I?..... the luckiest guy in the world. My life is grand!


Justin Stroh


Blogger Baby Go Retro said...

And you are so much more..that's why I love ya! I can not wait to be sipping Mai Tai's on a tropical island with you..grandma can keep the kiddo busy!

October 30, 2007 11:04 PM  

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