Saturday, March 15, 2008

Where Angels Play

Noted as one of the last great Movie palaces built between 1911 - 1931 In downtown Los Angeles. The LA Theatre was designed by S. Charles Lee.

The LA theatre has been a popular location for film and television productions. I have found myself working in this theatre at least a couple of times a year. Each time Im so struck by the French Baroque architecture as its my most favorite style.

In the past 12 years, Ive probably found myself working in this theatre once or twice a year. Each time Ive not had the time to photograph this remenant of days gone by.

However, recently I had the good fortune to have just a few moments on my way out the door while working on CSI:NY to capture an image of the lobby of this intricate theatre. It wasnt enough time to get everything I wanted. but I was glad to get this image.

In a city where your inundated with plastic surgery commercials, male enhancement ads and hundreds of dating and relationship finding companies, its really refreshing to visit a place the echos the romance and dignity of a much less decadant period of time.

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